Diagnosis and management of patients with overactive bladder syndrome and abnormal detrusor activity.

Diagnosis and management of patients with overactive bladder syndrome and abnormal detrusor activity.

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Nat Clin Pract Urol. 2004 Dec;1(2):78-84; quiz 109

Authors: Semins MJ, Chancellor MB

Overactive bladder syndrome (OABS) is a widely recognized syndrome with symptoms that can include urinary urgency, frequency, nocturia, and incontinence. Although there may be several causative factors for OABS, detrusor overactivity is the most common. In addition, urinary incontinence can also be due to a distinct but equally bothersome condition underactive bladder syndrome, or detrusor underactivity. The incomplete bladder emptying that characterizes detrusor underactivity often arises from impaired contractile function of the detrusor muscle. The variations in etiologies of the two syndromes necessitate patient evaluations tailored to individual symptom presentation. Increased awareness of the differences between the manifestations of OABS and underactive bladder syndrome call for specific approaches to the management of bladder dysfunction.

PMID: 16474519 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]