Can urodynamic studies be dispensed with in the initial urologic management of children with meningomyelocele? A study of 30 cases and review of the literature.

Can urodynamic studies be dispensed with in the initial urologic management of children with meningomyelocele? A study of 30 cases and review of the literature.: “

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Can urodynamic studies be dispensed with in the initial urologic management of children with meningomyelocele? A study of 30 cases and review of the literature.

J Pediatr Urol. 2007 Jun;3(3):195-9

Authors: Chandra Mishra S

OBJECTIVE: To identify whether a relationship exists between information gathered from voiding patterns, neurological status and radiological findings, and the actual dysfunction seen on cystometry in children with spina bifida. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Thirty consecutive children with spina bifida underwent clinical evaluation, urinary tract imaging and cystometry. The clinical and radiological data were correlated with actual bladder dysfunction. RESULTS: Cystometry was abnormal in 87% with overactive detrusor in 77%. Seventeen patients (57%) had significant residual urine of whom all had neurological or voiding abnormalities. Irrespective of radiological findings (abnormal in 53%), 90% of these patients had detrusor overactivity and 10% an underactive detrusor. In the group with insignificant residual urine (n=13), upper tract was abnormal in six (46%) of which four had neurological/voiding abnormalities and detrusor overactivity. The other two patients with normal neurologic status and voiding pattern had normal cystometry, but their upper tract damage was inexplicable. Of the patients with insignificant residual urine and normal upper tracts (n=7), four had neurologic/voiding abnormalities, three with an overactive detrusor and one underactive detrusor, and of the other three, one had an overactive detrusor. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with significant residual urine can be presumed to have detrusor overactivity and may be initially managed with clean intermittent catheterization and bladder relaxants. Cystometry is indicated if upper tract shows deterioration. In patients with insignificant residual urine and abnormal clinical evaluation or radiology, detrusor overactivity can be presumed and urodynamic studies deferred. Patients with insignificant residual urine, normal radiology but abnormal clinical findings must undergo initial cystometry.

PMID: 18947734 [PubMed]