Detrusor Arreflexia as an End Stage of Neurogenic Bladder in HAM/TSP?

Detrusor Arreflexia as an End Stage of Neurogenic Bladder in HAM/TSP?: “

Detrusor Arreflexia as an End Stage of Neurogenic Bladder in HAM/TSP?

Case Report Med. 2011;2011:289389

Authors: Tannus M, Tanajura D, Sundberg MA, Oliveira P, Castro N, Santos AM

The HTLV-1 virus is a known agent involved in the development of HAM/TSP. Past studies have typically observed patients with autonomic dysfunction consisting of detrusor overactivity and detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia, with the occasional observation of underactive detrusor or detrusor arreflexia. However, studies have not yet evaluated the progression of neurogenic bladder over time. In this paper, we describe a HAM/TSP patient with the initial development of overactive detrusor, and subsequent development of detrusor arreflexia. Given a paucity of studies characterizing the effects of HTLV-1 on the autonomic nervous system, particularly aspects controlling continence, this patient’s clinical course may represent one type of end point for patients with HAM/TSP and neurogenic bladder. Further cohort or case-series studies, with particular emphasis on the progression of neurogenic bladder, are needed to evaluate the significance of this described case in relation to typical disease progression patterns.

PMID: 21541226 [PubMed – in process]