Management of bladder dysfunction in patients with multiple sclerosis

Management of bladder dysfunction in patients with multiple sclerosis
David Williams Urology specialist nurse. SureCalm Healthcare, Manchester
Nursing Standard. 26, 25, 39-46.

Double blind peer review
Multiple sclerosis is a chronic disease of the central nervous system that often has a disabling effect, resulting in reduced quality of life for patients. Bladder dysfunction is a common and distressing symptom. Nurses can have a key role in the management of this symptom by promoting an integrated approach to care, thereby improving bladder control and reducing patient anxiety. This article explores the core elements of a specialist continence assessment in this patient group, and provides a critical overview of treatments used for managing bladder problems.

One Comment on “Management of bladder dysfunction in patients with multiple sclerosis

  1. Multiple sclerosis is a very dangerous disease. Though the exact cause of multiple sclerosis is unknown but to see some symptoms this disease can be identified. The symptoms are the vision problem, numbness, tingling, mobility problem, pain, muscle spasms, stiffness, and weakness etc.