Patient story #7

I’m 63 years old but have had prostate and UTI issues since I was in my mid 40’s. I have had Microwave procedures and 3 TURPs to finally get my flow back to normal. After the last TURP, I thought all was fine until one night I wet the bed. I could not understand what was going on and took to wearing diapers at night to prevent wetting the sheets. Then I started to get UTI after UTI even when taking all the precautions to prevent them.

My urologist did an ultrasound and even though I had no feeling or urge to go to the bathroom, he discovered I was retaining massive amounts of urine. He drained approximately 6 liters from me that day and determined that I had UAB Syndrome.

I now have to Cath myself 3 times a day and although I am taking a drug to try and activate the bladder, it is not working. I may have to Cath myself for the rest of my life unless someone comes up with a cure.

– MM, March 2016